Responsible Gambling

Kindred want all players to experience the sense of friendship and excitement that represent gambling at its best, without experiencing harm. We have always opted for complete transparency: we were the first in the industry to adopt an indicator to track Gross winnings revenue from high-risk customers. Our research, collaborations, technology, tools and teams serve to protect players and advance our progress on the Journey towards zero revenue from harmful gambling.


We have set our goal of having no revenue derived from harmful gambling

Our accomplishments 2023
Improved Detection and Intervention Systems
Kindred enhanced its Player Safety - Early Detection System (PS-EDS), achieving a significant increase in the proportion of customers showing improved gambling behaviour after detection, from 82.1% in 2022 to 87.4% in 2023.
Reduction in Harmful Gambling Revenue
Kindred maintained its commitment to reducing harmful gambling revenue, achieving a share of 3.1% in Q4 2023, as part of its broader Journey Towards Zero initiative.
Enhanced Governance and Collaboration
The establishment of a formal Responsible Gambling governance team and the creation of market-specific ‘player risk’ teams improved decision-making and action. Additionally, Kindred's collaborations with industry partners and researchers, including EPIC Global Solutions and various academic studies, contributed to better prevention and intervention strategies.

Detecting problematic customer behaviour 

For more than two decades, we have invested heavily in developing technologies to detect and prevent problematic gambling. We use our knowledge to create a digital fingerprint of our customers’ behaviour. This fingerprint allows us to monitor, detect and follow up on problem activities, and provide targeted customer protection, which is a central part of building a safe and responsible gambling environment. Our player monitoring system PS-EDS (Player Safety – Early Detection System) detects early signs of problem gambling and is a keystone in Kindred’s sustainable gambling approach. 

Helping customers stay in control 

If a customer starts to show signs of problematic gambling behaviour, an automatic notification, via PS-EDS, is sent to our team of specialists, which consists of analysts who are trained in harm minimisation and consumer protection. Our team builds a profile of the customer and advises on the most suitable responsible gambling intervention and tools to help them stay in control on all our platforms, even if the customer is not logged in. 

Our journey towards Zero 

We aim for continuous improvement in our Journey towards zero – that is, over time we have our goal set on having no revenue derived from harmful gambling. In our aim for responsible gambling, we maintain good business practice and standards, and ensure we comply with regulations. This approach differentiates us, and we take pride in influencing others in our industry. 

We have set a baseline for how we can effectively measure and report on our progress towards this ambition. Also, we have developed a public KPI to openly track progress on reducing the percentage of Gross winnings revenue derived from harmful gambling. The figures are updated regularly and published on our website together with a measurement of the effectiveness of the Group’s sustainability work.  


Read more about Our journey towards Zero here. 
